Learn about the different pathways you can take as a plumber such as general, mechanical, domestic, and commercial. Tackle a range of tasks such as sheet metal work, technical drawings, and levelling. This course covers sustainable plumbing practices.
Early career starts are available for VCE and VCAL students seeking a career in Plumbing. Students can integrate a VET certificate in Plumbing within a VCE or VCAL syllabus. Using a combination of maths and technical drawings, learn how to set out a bathroom using plans to position fixtures with accuracy and in line with current regulations. Learn mild steel welding and brazing using Oxy/Acetylene. Understand how current OHS regulations are applied within a simulated plumbing environment. Develop products to scale in line with technical drawing specifications.
Plumbing enables you to:
/Enter the industry understanding which area you may like to specialise in.
/Learn the basics of plumbing knowledge.
/Create connections in the industry through Structured Workplace Learning.
/Use basic hand and power tools.
The course covers the knowledge and skills to prepare students for an entry into an apprenticeship. There is a strong practical focus. A range of units introduces students to basic plumbing knowledge and skills and the opportunity to develop skills for the industry in the plumbing workshop. There is a strong emphasis on sustainability and safe plumbing principles.
During the course, students will be able to complete projects that include: sheet metalwork; plumbing fixtures and fittings for domestic and commercial applications; technical drawing and plumbing specifications; levelling; water, sanitary and drainage pipes used in plumbing.
The completion of written and observed practical tasks and projects for each unit are assessed using set criteria. Students are given a fair and adequate assessment process that includes multiple opportunities to demonstrate competency.
Students are encouraged to do a minimum of 80 hours Structured Workplace Learning.
It is recommended students have a minimum sound achievement of Year 10 Maths and English or equivalent and an aptitude for practical work. If you have individual needs, please contact the college.