NCAT has systems in place to support students and staff in periods of remote learning. Our online service standards help to deliver quality training and assessment that is engaging and accessible. Staff are trained in the use of online communication platforms, an online learning management system and e-safety.
Students are supported throughout their study at NCAT during periods of remote learning.
- You can contact your trainer/assessor by email or Moodle message at any time. Please note that staff are encouraged to “switch off” during non-work hours. Therefore, they will be contactable from 8:30-4:30pm on their days of work.
- Staff will endeavour to get back to you with 24 hours.
- A skeleton team of administration staff will work from NCAT. You can call the college on 9478 1333 for assistance regarding technology, fees and other administrative matters. Problems with Moodle or specialised software such as the Adobe suite should be emailed to the relevant trainer who will contact the IT staff as required on your behalf.
- If you require wellbeing support, contact your program manager during work hours directly via their mobile number issued in class. They will arrange for wellbeing support via our Wellbeing team.
- Assessments will be submitted by the due dates on Moodle. An extension on work is available if the request is made prior to the due date. Staff will mark all work within two working weeks.
Entry Requirements & Induction
- Prospective students will be interviewed on Zoom. They will need to create an online portfolio of creative work to show at the interview. This could be a PDF, an album in Photos or could be emailed to the interviewer. Applicants can either share the screen to show their work or the interviewer can share screen of emailed works.
- A pre training review will identify whether the program is appropriate and suitable for their individual needs.
- Digital literacy standards are discussed with the interviewer at the Pre Training Review.
- If required, a remote enrolment will be held. Specific information will be sent out via email. Forms will be editable online.
- Orientation will be held remotely via Zoom if required.
Technology & Learning Material
- NCAT uses Moodle as their learning management system. Students will be trained in its use at the commencement of the course. All students will need a computer or device with a minimum of 8GB memory and 1.5Ghz processor, running Microsoft Windows 8 and above or Mac OS version 10 and above.
- Staff use Compass to record student attendance.
- Zoom is the predominant communication platform used, alongside Microsoft Teams.
- Students will be issued with Adobe Cloud and Microsoft Office for their home use. Their computer or device will need to have the specifications stipulated in the Adobe Cloud email.
- Students who do not have a computer can contact the college for a loan laptop.
- Students who do not have internet access can contact the college for an internet dongle.
Learning Materials
NCAT ensures that learning materials used in online training are engaging, and interactive and are presented in a variety of formats, including:
- guided content
- interaction through discussion forums and webinars
- graphics
- video
- audio
The principles of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are applied to our learning materials by ensuring that they are: perceivable, operable, understandable and robust.
Student Engagement
NCAT prides itself in providing an online learning experience that is engaging and interactive. We will monitor student participation and ensure that they continue to progress through their program. Collaborative learning opportunities will be provided so that they can interact with peers, through:
- discussion forums
- webinars and Microsoft Teams interaction
Ongoing feedback will be provided through:
- interaction with trainers/assessors in informal discussion forums
- One to one sessions with your trainer using Zoom breakout rooms
- individual queries and in relation to the tasks you complete
- Moodle feedback comments on submitted assessment tasks
Attendance will be monitored through:
- Class rolls will be marked for all classes and collated using the Compass system
- Your mentor will contact you if you have not logged on within 1 week
- Your trainers will contact you if you have not attended classes
You will be deemed to have withdrawn from the program if you:
- have not logged on within 6 weeks of the program commencement date; and
- after making five attempts at contact, you do not re-engage with us.
Mode & Method of Assessment
A minimum of two forms of assessment will be used for each subject. Forms of assessment will include:
- Knowledge-based question and answer tasks
- Portfolios of evidence
- demonstration of practical skills through direct observation
We will use online technology to demonstrate your competency in practical skills.
Skills First Trainers
All trainers and assessors delivering online programs at NCAT are qualified. They are experienced in online delivery and have undertaken professional development in online delivery, which includes:
- Zoom training
- Microsoft Teams training
- Compass training
- Department of Education e-safety training
- participating in staff teams of online trainers and assessors who meet and share ideas for improvement, including how to create instructional videos.