Develop your creativity and make a range of media products to show future employers or tertiary institutions.

In the Certificate III in Creative and Digital Media course you use industry standard software to create several projects. Tackle everything from storyboards and sketches to audio editing and character development, this course gives you a feel for the industry.
Screen & Media (Creative & Digital Media) enables you to:
/Learn how to use industry standard software.
/Make a range of media products to show future employers or tertiary institutions.
/Develop your creativity.
This course covers a range of skills used in a media based workplace and reflects current industry demands in animation, web design and digital imaging. Students learn skills to develop concept ideas and progress to learn technical skills to produce a variety of media products. Students use industry standard programs - Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Premiere and learn the basics of the software packages.
Units 1 & 2 (First Year)
Tasks to cover the training package content may include: Adobe Photoshop and digital imaging and photography skills for an interactive slideshow; sound and audio editing and production with the creations of podcasts; Adobe Animate-animation and interactivity exploring basic tweening, simple character development, typography experiments, explored through an interactive game or narrative; website management and basic production in Adobe Dreamweaver; research industry trends, careers and professional development.
Units 3 & 4 (Second Year)
Tasks to cover the training package content may include: a 30 second animation completed to technical specifications, including advanced character development with a sound effect or music soundtrack accompanied by a production folio; a promotional website using copy suited to the style. Students seek trainer feedback to make improvements and test before a set deadline; produce a portfolio for an instructional video with evidence of pre-production of visual design components and finished pieces, storyboard, script, and short answers about video production.
Assessment includes short and long answers to questions, product assessment, observation and evidence of planning such as storyboards, sketches presented in a production folio. The assessment of overall competence at this certificate level is undertaken by a qualified assessor and students’ competence judged using criteria from the unit of competencies.
In Units 1 & 2, students complete a range of exercises to demonstrate their competency.
In Units 3 & 4, students are required to complete three tasks assessed as two products and one portfolio. The three tasks cover all the competencies in Certificate III in Media for Units 3 & 4.
Students will be given a fair and adequate assessment process that includes multiple opportunities to demonstrate competency.
Basic language literacy and computer competency levels are pre-requisites. If you have any individual needs, please contact the College.