NCAT takes its responsibility for student well-being and the development of student excellence and voice very seriously.
The College has a youth worker, careers advisor, integration teachers and support teachers available to provide advice and assistance. All students have a form teacher/mentor and some programs have additional staff with the specific role of student wellbeing. Across the college there are program and year level leaders responsible for overseeing the progress and wellbeing of all students.
Youth Worker
The college employs a full time Youth Worker to support students and their families. The Youth Worker provides students experiencing personal or emotional challenges, difficulties at school or at home, grief or other critical events, with support and/or referrals to specialist services.
This support is also available to students’ parents/carers. The Youth Worker works closely with the college’s Student Wellbeing Team and also assists in the running of class and college-wide activities to enhance student well-being and student leadership.
Leanne Peros, our Youth Worker, brings a wealth of experience and skill to the role; she also has an extensive network of services to which she can refer students or their families. Students can approach Leanne directly in her office and both students and parents can make an appointment to see her.
Parents and students have the option of not using the Youth Worker’s services in which case we would ask that they contact the Assistant Principal regarding alternatives.
Should parents/students have any queries or concerns regarding the services provided by the Youth Worker, they should contact the Assistant Principal.

“Self-expression is definitely something valued at the school by teachers and students.”
– Amelia Geiss (NCAT Music Student & Student Leader)
“Teachers feel more like friends and mentors.”
– Bianca Hirschfeld (NCAT Music Student)
“We like the fact that people are original you know it doesn’t matter here if you come in with blue hair, so long as you perform and you actually contribute and you actually grow and you thrive.”
– Raffaela Galati-Brown (Principal)