The College consults with industry and government reference groups to ensure our curriculum remains consistent with emerging trends. Purpose-built facilities demonstrate sustainable practices, furnished with a fully equipped recording studio, digital audio workstations and multimedia labs.
TestimonialsPeter Myers (Head of Department, Music)
“The equipment we've got is industry standard. We've got a recording studio that is as good as any commercial recording studio that you would find.”
TestimonialsMonique Hirschfeld (Music Student)
“You can do Sound Production here, which is what I did. It really opened up a new world to me, being able to be my own producer.”
TestimonialsBianca Hirschfeld (Music Student)
“They also have really great MIDI keyboards which can enable you to play around with digital music software."
TestimonialsZac Lister (Sound Production Teacher)
“I see us as the first level, where they need to be gaining the skills that they will need to step into some part of the industry.”
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